
公开预言51种方法 Open Prediction Project 中文翻译

  • 品牌:魔术
  • 颜色分类:网传pdf中文非视频


The Open Prediction Project 公开的预言


1. 除了收录全部51种实现方法之外,还囊括了全部前言介绍及附录资料,让你真正的跟公开预言来一次亲密全接触。想知道公开预言的由来吗?想了解由它引发的有趣故事吗?想知道的公开预言效果及其苛刻的限制条件吗?一切精彩内容尽在书中,期待您的光临。


很少有人知道魔术界还有另外一个未解的纸牌魔术之谜,称为 The Open Prediction (公开的预言)。1949年Paul Curry提出的这个效果,60年来,世界的魔术师,心灵大师苦苦探索都未得解答,而Paul Curry本人也没有公开过这个秘密,因此被称为了The Curry Unsolved Card Problem(柯里未解纸牌之谜)。
魔术师公开的在纸上写下一个预言,比如是红心四,可以公开,事先展示的预言。一副扑克牌,可以售众的牌,由观众任意洗牌。然后牌在观众手上,根据魔术师的指示往下发牌,发成正面向上,正面所有人都可以看到发下去的是什么牌。wei 1一张牌,观众可以在任意位置停下来,发成背面向上,这样没有人知道是什么牌。剩下的牌,观众继续发成正面向上。神奇的效果出现了,发成正面向上的牌里没有一张是红心四,翻开那张背面向上的牌,正是魔术师事先预言的红心四。
在这部教学里,作者介绍了The Open Prediction的背景和历时。当然主要的是集合了世界著名的魔术师和心灵大师对于这个效果的探索。总共包括了51种的实现路径。当然,只是属于探索,非原版的教学。每一个实现路径都会成为一个不错的纸牌流程。

In 1949 magician Paul Curry proposed an effect with playing cards that seemed impossible. Despite the best efforts of the top magicians of his day, the effect became known as The Curry Unsolved Card Problem.

The Open Prediction Project is the largest collection of its kind in existence. It is a compilation of 51 unique and creative solutions to the Open Prediction problem. Performers such as Marc Paul, Michael Weber, Barrie Richardson, Patrick Redford, Mick Ayres and Hector Chadwick have offered their solutions for this 200+page e-book; and these are just a few in a long list of creative and innovative contributors from around the globe.

In addition, The O.P. Project contains a detailed history of the evolution of the Open Prediction effect; commentary on the individuals who made this effect the legend that it has become; and a comprehensive appendix, listing variations of the Open Prediction that have been published in the past.
